Herbier de posidonies du site Natura 2000 Corniche Varoise | Crédit : Antonin Guilbert / Agence française pour la biodiversité
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Herbier de posidonies du site Natura 2000 Corniche Varoise | Crédit : Antonin Guilbert / Office français de la biodiversité
Logo Life -Natura 200 - Ministere

MPN – Mediterranean Posidonia Network, Technical Workshop 2021

Coopération internationale
Mediterranean Posidonia Network

The objectives of the MPN Technical Workshop 2021 are to organize exchanges on the MPN Roadmap and meet with stakeholders and authorities from the Island of Formentera and Balearic Islands to get feedback on their experience on Posidonia surveillance, eco-mooring & many other strategic measures implemented in over more than 10 years.

Formentera, Balearic Islands, Spain, 21 – 24 September 2021


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